Wright Smith

Wright Smith


Wright Smith is a Ph.D. candidate in Political Science at MIT, with research interests in wartime decision-making, civil-military relations, and military operations. His dissertation examines state prioritization decisions during multifront conflicts. He is a recipient of the Walter A. Rosenblith Presidential Fellowship at MIT. He graduated from Harvard University Magna Cum Laude with Highest Honors with an AB in History. Before joining the Political Science Department at MIT, Wright worked as a researcher and writer on U.S. counter-ISIS efforts in Iraq and Syria for the Office of the Inspector General within the Department of Defense.


Wright Smith is a Ph.D. candidate in Political Science at MIT, with research interests in wartime decision-making, civil-military relations, and military operations. His dissertation examines state prioritization decisions during multifront conflicts. He is a recipient of the Walter A. Rosenblith Presidential Fellowship at MIT. He graduated from Harvard University Magna Cum Laude with Highest Honors with an AB in History. Before joining the Political Science Department at MIT, Wright worked as a researcher and writer on U.S. counter-ISIS efforts in Iraq and Syria for the Office of the Inspector General within the Department of Defense.